I'm using 2 crypto trading bots to turn my altcoins into more Bitcoin.

Ver Vídeo: I'm using 2 crypto trading bots to turn my altcoins into more Bitcoin.

My goal and strategy for this next bull run is to use crypto trading bots to manage my altcoin portfolios and strategies. In this video I’ll share the 2 bots and approaches that I’m considering — momentum/trend vs. portfolio automation (equal weighted basket of altcoins). The 2 bots in question are Tradeium and Shrimpy. I also share pros and cons of each approach, which one I’m leaning towards, and also my lessons learned from the last time I delved into the altcoin world a couple years ago.

Shrimpy: https://www.shrimpy.io/
Tradeium: https://tradeium.io/

#Cryptocurrency #Trading #Bots