Extra Fractal Data Share

Ver Vídeo: Extra Fractal Data Share

Extra Fractal Data Share

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mrlevelup

I focus mainly on “one thing” only and thats reading patterns. (fractals) Specifically XRP, but will also dabble in other assets as well. What I do isnt the standard TA (technical analysis) which Im not against, however, what I feel more in tune with & passionate about is more so “cycle analysis” where one reads the historical cycles repeating. Many can see what I show and many can not. I did a poll out of 2,000 people and it was almost 50/50 where some can see what Im showing and others cannot. I think the key is putting in the time in front of the charts where eventually the mind starts to pick up on it, thats just my thoughts on it. Overall I think theres an algo (algorithm) in play here.

Terms I use in my videos: Gooseneck, Mountaintop, Burst, Coinhop, Slippery Slopes, 4 hills, plateau, 3 rising valleys. Look for my video regarding Pattern Terminology.

This channel is an information source for those investing or following cryptocurrencies & digital assets. Hope you enjoy the content and the positive community we try to provide. We all just want to level up and live the good life while we’re here 🙂 Much love. – Chris

* This is not financial advice. I just am providing my thoughts through this content from hours of daily research along with analyzing the data. If anything, its all work Im doing for myself yet willing share it if it can help others. Always do your own research and double check anything you plan to do for yourself. Dont just rely on a single person, also question things in life before accepting. Almost like a filter or antivirus software for yourself. Be wise, tap into that wisdom 🙂 I wish you all the best in life. Go xrp.

Tags: #xrp #blockchain #crypto #digital assets #Ripple #ada #algo #gooseneck #mountaintop #burst #burstxrp #xrpburst #burst2020
#cardano #cryptocurrency #digitalassets #eos # trx #xlm #stellar #patterns #fractal #cycleanalysis #investing #altcoin #bitcoin #odl #siliconvalley #btc #ltc #litecoin #eth #ethereum #bat #bravebrowser #basicattentiontoken #vet #vechain #pattern #coinhop