12 Days of BTChristmas #4: Is M1 Mac Mini the Fastest Bitcoin Node? (Unboxing)

Ver Vídeo: 12 Days of BTChristmas #4: Is M1 Mac Mini the Fastest Bitcoin Node? (Unboxing)

How long does it take for you to sync a full Bitcoin node on a Raspberry Pi? 1 or 2 weeks, depending on the speed of your storage and the amount of RAM. But with the new M1 Macs, you can become a first class Bitcoin citizen in 6 hours – and the software isn’t even optimized for the ARM architecture, it runs on emulation!

After reading Jonas Schnelli’s report, I was sold. For the same money that I could use to buy a Nodl Dojo, I got a beast that will handle all of my video editing, streaming, and Bitcoin tasks for the next few years.

If you wanna be the king of node runners, you gotta try the M1s. By Apple standards, they are incredibly inexpensive. And they offer the highest performance per watt you will find in any other computer of its class.

Hope you’ll enjoy this complete unboxing and presentation!

The song in the background is called “First Class Citizen”. You can download it for free on SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-87506791-304532072/first-class-citizen


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