Properly Using Moving Averages for Forex, Crypto and CFDs

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The moving average is an indication used in the technical analysis to reflect the average market closing price over a specific time. Traders commonly utilize moving averages as they can show the current momentum of the market.

The simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA) are the two most commonly utilized moving averages (EMA). The simple moving average does not lend any weight to the averages in the data set, whereas the exponential moving average does. The exponential moving average, on the other hand, will give more weight to current prices.

The moving average’s principal function is to remove short-term market swings. Because moving averages indicate the average closing price over a specific time, they help traders detect the market’s general trend.

Another advantage of the moving average is that it is a customizable indicator, so traders may choose the timeframe that best suits their trading goals. Moving averages are frequently utilized to determine market entry points as well as potential support and resistance levels. When the price is trading below the moving average, it often acts as a resistance level, and when the price is trading above the MA, it acts as a support level.

There are 3 ways in which trader’s use the moving average:
• To determine the direction of the trend
• To determine support and resistance levels
• Using multiple moving averages for long- and short-term market trends

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