Biggest Busts By Police Ever

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Biggest Busts By Police Ever

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What's one of the best ways to stop illegal drug activity? Confiscate the money and drugs that
fuel it, of course! Join us, as we travel around the world to tell you about some of the biggest
cash seizures to date but first subscribe to our channel if you aren't already subscribed. Without
further due, let's take you on the journey of seizing millions of dollars.
Number 10.) $1.5 Million Confiscated in Baldwin, Alabama
Let's begin our cash-seizing journey right here in the USA. What's the best and easiest way to
wiggle your way out of a drug bust, well one driver thought that the best to do that was to simply
play dumb. Imagine you are a state trooper in Baldwin, Alabama performing a routine truck
inspection like any other ordinary day. The truck driver gives you permission to search the truck
but once you check out in there, you see four suspicious-looking bags, and upon further
inspection and looking into the bags, you discover $1.5 million in cash. Now, why would a truck
driver be carrying all of this loot? And why on Earth would he allow a state trooper to search his
truck knowing that he had all that drug money to support a local firm. When the state trooper
asked the truck driver what it was all about, he simply shrugged his shoulders and said he had no
idea how all of it got in there. Needless to say, he was promptly taken into custody. Not only did
this news made a piece of great breaking news, it was also discovered that this was the biggest
drug money seizure in the state of Alabama. The moral of the story, well, never try to play dumb
when you get caught and don't even think of carrying such a huge amount of money in your
truck because it is obviously suspicious.
Number 9.) $5.7 Million Seized in Australia

If you want to run a huge drug trade operation, you might want to come up with a foolproof plan
first. In 2013, the Australian Crime Commission caught wind of some syndicated money
laundering. They then joined hands with the Australian transaction reports and analysis center as
well as both federal and state police to target the offenders. During their year-long investigations,
they were able to target 128 previously unknown criminals and dissolve 18 popular syndicated
crime organizations. Throughout the investigations, they would seize large sums of money but
perhaps their largest seizure hit $5.7 million and that brought their total seizure to $580 million
in terms of drugs, money, and property. The Australian crime commission claimed to have used
insights utilized by the US drug enforcement agency in order to create multiple sting operations.
It was these operations that not only made them arrest above 100 criminals but also successfully
shutdown 3 major meth labs as well as a large marijuana plantation in Sydney, Australia.
Number 8.) $9 Million Confiscated in Baltimore, Maryland
If you're ever down and out or just in a low spot in your life, keep in mind that at least you and
your friends weren't caught with 9 million dollars’ worth of heroin. Police would open an
investigation on a 53-year-old man named Peri Brown in 2015 when they became suspicious that
he might be involved in illegal drug activity. They monitored his cellphone activity for anything
that seemed remotely fishy and one day, they spotted something and that's when they used the
GPS to locate the man. The police got there and saw him at the truck stop where he was chatting
with two men. After a few minutes, the cops noticed that he wasn't just catching up with old
friends. In fact, they watched the men unload multiple bags of drugs from the trucks only to put
them inside a van. They were eventually caught and the drugs were seized, but they were not
expecting the sheer amount of drugs that they found. As they discovered, there were 90 pounds
of heroin which equates to $9 million making it the biggest drug bust in Baltimore ever.

Number 7.) $24 Million Confiscated in Miami, Florida
Did you know that 5-gallon Home Depot buckets are a great way to store and transport your
dirty drug money? No? Well, neither did we until this story broke. In June 2006, Miami day
police would bust a marijuana drug lord and then discovered $24 million that was stuffed in
orange buckets adorned with the popular home improvement stores logo. We're sure that that's
quite not the kind of publicity that they have been seeking. Nonetheless, 44-year-old Louie
Hernandez was taken into custody. As it turns out, the man also ran a seemingly legitimate
business that catered to indoor gardening.

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