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35:06 Main topic begins.
On our next livestream: ALGOS RULE THE WORLD?
Mr. “P” in country “R” that is war with country “U” once said whoever becomes the leader in artificial intelligence will become the ruler of the world. With that in mind, have algos become the ruler of the world? Do algos have influence over you and me? Do algos have influence over the markets?
Let me ask you, do you think algos have influence over the trading price of gold and silver?
I want to hear what you think, lets discuss it.

Before that we’ll take a look at a few things Gerald Celente said from his past interview and his most recent Trends Journal. We’ll also take a look at some current news and events from Twitter. Please join me Sunday night October 30th at 9pm Eastern, Monday morning October 31st at 9am Singapore. See you then!

If you have a 401K, Self-Directed IRA, Superannuation fund, or other retire accounts, now is the time to consider rolling it over into a precious metals IRA. Email us at [email protected] and we’ll help you. It’s easier than you think and yes the precious metals in your IRA can be stored in Singapore.

#Silver and #Gold accumulating, could be no more urgent than now. When you look at current events, markets, and where central banks are taking us, understanding wealth protection and getting hold of gold and silver as stores of value, and as an insurance, becomes extremely important. Come see what we can do for you at in #Singapore.

If you have concerns about what is going on around you, send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll let you know what options we have available for wealth protection for you.
